Few things are more important than the air we breathe, the water that waters our soul and the forests and fields that give us food. The Earth is our house; it gives us life and shelter and, ultimately, without it we would not exist.
However, it seems that we are quite careless tenants and is that the environment is still threatened by climate change and its consequences have already arrived.
Faced with the paralysis of the political class and much of society, one could fall into despair. But it was not the case of Greta Thunberg, a young Swedish woman who at the age of 15 started the movement #FridaysForFuture
Not a year later, what started as a sit-in by a young woman in front of the Swedish parliament for three weeks to protest against political inaction in the face of the climate crisis, has become a worldwide movement in favor of the planet.
Greta, who has delivered speeches at the United Nations Climate Summit and at the World Economic Forum, has inspired students and society in general from around the globe to join mass strikes by asking politicians to heed and open Eyes before it's too late.
Many times, a very small action can have unstoppable consequences and even create a great revolution, and Greta Thunberg is a great example of it. So that this story can continue inspiring generations to come, Valentina Camerini brings us the illustrated book 'The story of Greta', an unofficial biography of the Editorial Destino Infantil & Juvenil.
In it, we can enjoy the career of the young activist since she decided to sit before the Swedish Parliament until when she stood before politicians from all over the world to warn them that they will be considered 'the greatest villains of all time' if they do not They take climate change seriously.
A work that is worth having at home so that the message continues to flow because you already know, the greatest revolutions have very humble beginnings.