A total of 815,354 students enrolled in Vocational Training courses in the 2017-2018 academic year, of which 372,403 started the training cycle.

By education, the number of students who attended Basic FP – which is accessed after the age of 15 in compulsory secondary education – was 72,180; In Middle Grade FP 344,266 students were enrolled and 398,908 were enrolled in Higher Grade FP. With respect to the 2012-2013 academic year, enrollments represent an increase of 21.4%, in this last educational section.

This is revealed by Statistics of Professional Training students related to the 2017-2018 academic year Prepared by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and published today. The report highlights that these lessons were taught in 3,739 schools, of which 68% are public. The Basic FP was offered in a total of 2,036 centers, the Middle Grade, in 2,798, and the Higher Degree, in 2,441 centers.

According to statistics, the gender distribution of students enrolled in the Middle and Higher Grade cycles is balanced. Thus, students represent 43.3% and 47.4%, respectively. It is in the Basic FP where there is a greater difference, with 70.8% of men and 29.2% of women.

By professional families and at all levels, women register a higher percentage than men in the case of Health, Sociocultural Services and the Community and Personal Image. Men, on the other hand, are the majority in Transportation and Vehicle Maintenance, Installation and Maintenance, Electricity and Electronics and Mechanical Manufacturing.

As for the gross enrollment rate -the percentage ratio between students enrolled in person of any age and the population of theoretical ages of teaching-, the report details that in Middle Grade it stands at 34.9%, compared to 69.7% in Baccalaureate. In the Higher Degree training cycles, the gross enrollment rate reaches 39.2%, which is 4.3 points higher than that of the Middle Degree. These students come from Baccalaureate or FP of Middle Grade.

Decrease the age of access in FP of Middle Grade

Likewise, the percentage of people who are expected to access each of the lessons throughout their lives – the net access rate – stands at 27.8% in the case of the FP of Middle Grade, with the most common access ages between 17 and 18 years. The net access rate in Basic FP was 8.2%, where the most common access age is 16 years. In Higher Degree, the net access rate stands at 28.4%, where 57.9% access with 21 years or less.

In Basic FP, the most chosen professional families are Administration and Management, with 6,798 new students. In Middle Grade, Computer Science and Communications, with 6,198, and Health, with 29,049. And in Higher Degree, Sociocultural and Community Services, with 24,300, closely followed by Health, with 23,549, and Administration and Management, with 23,399.

Almost 340,000 students follow the practical training phase in the company

In the 2017-2018 academic year, students attending the Workplace Training module amount to 339,367 students, 40,196 in Basic FP, 137,323 in Middle Grade and 161,848 in Higher Grade. This professional FCT module is taught in all VET teachings and represents the phase of practical training in the company that takes place in the workplace. It is carried out by carrying out activities specific to the professional profile of the VET degree the student is studying.

Nearly 900 centers offer Dual FP in Spain

Regarding the Dual FP -modality that deepens the immersion in the productive environment, combining the teaching and learning processes in the company and in the educational center-, the enrolled students added 22,586 in a total of 889 centers, of which Almost 70% are public. The highest volume of students is reached in the Higher Degree, with 14,101 students, which represent 4.2% of the total enrolled in the classroom.

Strategic Vocational Training Plan

The MEFP works on the strategic plan promoted by the Government with the collaboration of the social partners and the business sector to update these lessons, in order to improve employability and meet the needs of the labor market. Throughout this last year, the Executive has published six new titles of Higher Degree, amounting to a total of 172 offered in all FP cycles.

As for the professional qualifications, which serve as a reference to the qualifications, throughout the 2018-2019 academic year, a total of 45 belonging to several professional families have been published, of which seven are totally new and 38 involve the updating of The existing ones.

Likewise, it is worth noting the publication of two specialization courses, the first two of a long series, which allow the Vocational Training graduates to improve their skills and acquire new ones in very specialized and specific fields. Both are identified with the level of FP of Higher Degree and are official and valid throughout the national territory. Another ten courses are in the process of being processed.

The strategy designed by the Ministry of Education and FP seeks the updating of the catalog and the extension of the offer, the improvement of accessibility and the flexibility of these teachings, as well as the accreditation of basic skills for adults.

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