CEOE has among its associates a new technology company with the recent incorporation of Cad & Lan, expert firm in the adaptation and digital transformation of small and medium enterprises, the implementation of technological solutions in large firms and technological intelligence applied to retail.
As an associated company, Cad & Lan will participate in the Research, Development and Innovation (R + D + i) and Digital Society commissions, advisory bodies and the study of CEOE in these matters.
Cad & Lan provides innovative systems with national and international coverage in cybersecurity, energy efficiency, remodeling of technological spaces, virtual rooms, communications, virtualization and storage in the cloud, software, time control systems and sector solutions. In all cases, it offers support to the company from the implementation of the technological solution, its evolution and its subsequent maintenance.
The environment of constant and vertiginous changes associated with the technological advances in which companies develop their activity entails important challenges for which Cad & Lan has technological solutions with guarantees of success.