"They should have built the Integrated Center at least three years ago." Waiting for aid in educational matters, At least in terms of infrastructure. That is what Gorka Sádaba, VOX councilor in María de Huerva, has expected for more than three years. And these never arrive …
This is the main claim of the mayor of María de Huerva in the time that he has been part of its City Council. Gorka Sádaba has verified the lack of space to be able to teach classes to the children of the town. And from the beginning it has claimed an improvement. Advancement that does not come because, as he points out, "they had to have built the Integrated Center at least three years ago."
Other VOX complaints in María de Huerva are the lack of cleanliness and poor signage on its streets. Of vital importance for Sádaba. In fact VOX has presented motions for the need to change these aspects.
"The issue of dirt is very serious," says the mayor. Since no way to tackle it is even reflected in the budget. The current consistory does not give importance to it ».
Likewise, "nothing has been done" with respect to the complication of signs according to areas of the town. The lack of them in others. And the errors in the paint signal on the ground according to which streets.
In recent visit of our Deputy Speaker for VOX of the Provincial Council of Zaragoza, Carlos Rodrigo, to María de Huerva, he pointed out the good work of Gorka Sádaba. As well as classified the search for solutions to tackle cleaning and signaling problems as a top priority.
Carlos Rodrigo did not leave this Zaragoza town without claiming the construction of the Integrated Teaching Center. "A clear and enforceable solution, especially in these times of pandemic."