Unicaja Banco has signed an agreement with the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Andalusia (CEA) by which he undertakes to collaborate in the implementation of the Business Office for the Compliance with the 2030 Agenda (OECA), promoted by the Andalusian employers. Its objective is to coordinate those actions that allow compliance by the private sector of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The collaboration agreement has been signed by the President of Unicaja Banco, Manuel Azuaga, and by the President of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Andalusia, Javier González de Lara, and responds to the close relationship between the two entities, which they share as objectives to favor the business fabric, facilitate economic, social and environmental momentum, and support employment in the Andalusian Community.

The OECA, which is part of the Specialized Commission for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), created by CEA, It aims to be an economic, business and social observatory, whose function will be the coordination of actions for compliance with these principles by the private sector.

Precisely, one of the main purposes of the OECA will be to lead the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Andalusian society and especially in companies, to promote general well-being and contribute to the generation of wealth and employment in Andalusia.

In sum, it is about carrying out joint lines of action to achieve a productive fabric that benefits from the opportunities offered by a respectful management with environmental, social and good governance issues, favoring the creation and consolidation of new sustainable companies and the transformation of existing ones for the adoption of this model, in compliance with the 2030 Agenda, which contains the 17 SDGs of the United Nations.

Action plan

The OECA will establish for the fulfillment of its purposes a action plan, which will include, among other initiatives, promotion and awareness actions through the organization or participation in forums, conferences, seminars, etc.

Specifically, at least the II Business Forum of the Sustainable Development Goals in Malaga and an annual edition of the prize for the implementation of the SDGs in the company will be held.

For Unicaja Bank, the company in general, and the SME in particular, are among the key groups of its financing policy. Thus, the entity has as one of its priority business axes the financing of companies, a determinant to boost the economy and create employment.

CSR of Unicaja Banco

The entity is also committed to meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and this is reflected in its strategy of Corporate Social Responsibility (RSC).

Regarding concrete actions, Unicaja Banco signed the Global Compact and is a member of the Spanish Network of the United Nations Global Compact (REPM) and also participates in the International Center for Training of Authorities and Leaders (Cifal) in Malaga, under the United Nations Institute for Vocational Training and Research (UNITAR).

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