The Executive Committee of the Vallisoletana Confederation of Businessmen will promote the collaboration of companies with the Miguel Delibes Foundation in the events planned for the Centenary of his birth.

Specifically, and to try to involve entrepreneurs in the cultural activities of Valladolid and, especially, in those planned by the Centenary of the birth of Miguel Delibes, CVE will organize jointly with the Miguel Delibes Foundation, different activities and meetings, aimed at transmitting to the local productive fabric all the activities that are planned to be developed at local, regional, national and international levels, and the expected fiscal benefits.

These activities will be developed over the next two years and will have a special impact on Valladolid, so it can be a great opportunity for the local productive fabric, associate your brand with the centenary and support the development of the activities to be developed, also obtaining significant tax benefits, especially those that are included in the Patronage Law and its regulations.

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