• The GPP Budget spokesperson regrets that the Government has put "all hope" to get out of the crisis in EU aid: "Some see the only solution in stroking the lamp and asking for three wishes"
• Stresses that AIRef “does not believe” the recovery in ‘V’ that the Government predicts, and alerts against the Executive's forecasts for lacking “agreement” and focusing on large numbers, ignoring all information on its calculations
• He reproaches the Government for the great imbalances between its income, debt and deficit forecasts with those of international or national organizations, such as AIReF: “For months we have been lied to, deceived and hidden data. It is the DNA of a government that was not prepared to foresee and solve this pandemic ”
• He assures that “the final tables of the impact of the government's measures are significant of the populist drift and the lie on which they are focusing the management of this crisis. The Government says that its impact on spending measures is 5,893 million; AIReF says that 3,149 million, almost half "
• “AIReF estimates that for each week with population control measures, 0.8% is subtracted from GDP growth, which would be 1.5% for each week of restriction of non-essential activities,” he details. Social-communist executive of wanting to "occupy and colonize" institutions, such as the Market and Competition Commission, "to turn them into the courtyard of his home." "That is why they choose someone for the CNMC who comes directly from the office of Pedro Sánchez's Chief of Staff," he adds.
• He praises “the independence” of the president of AIRef, who is “trading upwards” in the political scenario of “democratic degradation” that Sánchez has begun to assault the institutions, a president “embroiled in social-communism who does not want to agree because he does not believe in the agreement, and which he later blames for twitching the PP ”
• It claims to know if in the government's tax scenarios there is "any plan to end tax fraud, or if we must understand that the adjustment is going to be entirely covered by the pockets of citizens, self-employed and businessmen who are already paying their taxes"
• Demands that the Government not leave the Town Halls stranded in this crisis and alerts against the fall in resources of the CCAA, which continue to suffer "the kidnapping" of the VAT settlements of 2017: "How do you expect them to be financed?"
• He is interested in the AIReF president by the "brutal" effects of an uncontrolled risk premium, and by issues whose impacts are not included in the final table of his report, such as the 64,000 million promised by Sánchez for the private sector, income vital minimum, the pact with Bildu to repeal the labor reform, the setbacks in the field of tourism, the closure of Nissan in Barcelona and the collective dismissal at the Alcoa factory in Lugo