The Municipal Group of VOX in Villanueva de la Torre presented three motions in the plenary session held on Thursday in the municipality. The first of them urged the city council to remove the squatters from the register and that they should not be taken into account in job exchanges. The spokesperson for the Municipal Group VOX in Villanueva de la Torre Ruth Carrera explained that "They are depriving families who pay taxes in the municipality and do not arrive or cannot face all the expenses, the possibility of getting a job from the stock market, in favor of neighbors who are not and who are breaking the law".
The motion was not approved since the Villanueva government team made up of PSOE and Ciudadanos "He does not see with ill eyes that people who do fulfill their obligations are equal in conditions that those who do not", indicated by the socialist mayor Sonsoles Rico in plenary session. In this way “The squatters are rewarded, with the approval of a consistory, that not even if you want to check the papers that are provided when you register (recognized as is by the secretary in plenary)”Carrera assured.
In the second motion, with the only vote in favor of VOX in a City Council with the presence of PSOE, PP, Citizens and United We Can, the commissioning of a bank of textbooks was requested. A Podemos whose two councilors were absent from the plenary, despite being telematic. Thus according to the mayor of VOX it was intended "Help all families, who voluntarily give up the books to access the bank, so that all children could benefit from it". In addition, there was a second point in the motion to seek an agreement with local academies of studies with which to favor reinforcement programs in the study of minors in the municipality. Thus, the intention was to revitalize local commerce.
Finally, a third motion was filed, to request compliance with the Supreme Court ruling 1163/2020 dated May 26, 2020. It says that “The use, even occasional, of unofficial flags outside of buildings and public spaces is not compatible with the current constitutional and legal framework, and in particular, with the duty of objectivity and neutrality of Public Administrations, even when the they do not substitute, but concur, with the flag of Spain and the others legally or statutorily instituted ”.
A fact that was not fulfilled by the municipal government of Villanueva de la Torre by placing the flag of the LGTBI collective on the balcony, a fact that lasted for a week. All in spite of the fact that on June 28 VOX registered a letter in the City Council advising of this circumstance of non-compliance with the law. Once again VOX was left alone on this occasion to ask for compliance with the law and non-discrimination of Villanovenses due to their sexual orientation.