08-24-2019 | Cs
The secretary general of Cs stresses that 'Batet and Sánchez have the Congress closed' and that 'they do not want us to do the work and control this Government without control'
"Sanchez must decide how his soap opera ends: if in failure and you have to go to elections or in a government with Pablo Iglesias." This was stated by José Manuel Villegas, general secretary of Citizens (Cs) and provincial deputy of Almeria, during the ceremony honoring 'Los Coloraos', which was held this morning in the Almeria capital. In addition, Villegas has stressed that "Batet and Sánchez have the Congress closed, they do not want us to do the work and control this Government without control." The provincial deputy of Cs has also made it clear that "despite the difficulties of the PSOE, we will continue to do our job."
The secretary general of the orange formation has pointed out the stability that the liberal formation grants to those administrations "where necessary". "We are very proud of the way Cs acts where we reach government agreements, something that contrasts with Mr. Sánchez's position." Therefore, he considered that this situation makes it clear that "Citizens have a totally different way of understanding politics, how it is being demonstrated in Andalusia and not only thinking about chairs or particular interests."
"Spain does not deserve the show they are giving this summer," said Villegas. "Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias do not care about these policies and initiatives, they only discuss chairs and positions," he said. Along with this, the secretary general of Cs has made it clear that from “Citizens we are prepared for any scenario”. In addition, he stressed that "neither a vote in favor nor abstention will favor a Sánchez Government, because we have an idea of Spain as an antagonistic country to which Sánchez e Iglesias has."