06-03-2019 | Cs

The Secretary General of Cs says that 'we will not participate in tripartite' after negotiations in which 'the PP will be our preferred partner'

"Those parties that want to negotiate with Cs will have to accept the policies of transformation and democratic regeneration that characterize us." This has been stated by the Secretary General of Citizens (Cs), José Manuel Villegas, during a press conference offered at the national headquarters of the party after the Executive Committee of the orange training meeting to "inform the criteria proposed by the Committee of Agreements for the next negotiations in municipalities and Autonomous Communities ".

"Our proposals will be focused, liberal and moderate agreements" on which "the rest of the parties will have to decide to be responsible for their votes" and "show if they are in favor of the agreements of negotiations" in which "the PP will be our preferred partner "Villegas explained, in addition to pointing out that" if any leader of the PSOE opens up to support our policies and our program, we can reach specific agreements. "

The secretary general of the liberal training has stressed that "our formula is clear: two agreements that will not be neither Vox nor We" and has clarified that you can take a picture in which appears "a leader of Cs at the same table with another Vox leader explaining the agreement that has been reached. " "We trust that we will reach good agreements" aimed at "improving the lives of Spaniards" and based on "democratic regeneration, fight against corruption, low taxes, protection of families, guarantee of the independence of public institutions, bet on public education and against sexist violence "has detailed Villegas.

Asked about the future of Barcelona City Council, the orange party deputy has asserted that "Collboni would be a lesser evil before governments of populists and nationalists", in addition to pointing out that "Mrs. Colau represents populism and nationalism at the same time".

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