The Municipal Group of VOX has asked the government team of the Granada City Council when they are going to accept the offer made by our political training to prepare a right-wing 2021 budget in which they have special sensitivity to the current situation of health and social crisis and economic as a result of COVID-19.

Onofre Miralles, VOX spokesman, has insisted that "the solution to the economic breakdown of this Consistory is not a 'nudge' with the social-communist left, which are to blame for the current terrible situation after the negligent mandate of the PSOE, so We are again reaching out to the municipal government of PP and Ciudadanos so that the budget agreement with the Socialists remains in a bad dream.

"We have repeated it on many occasions and we will raise it again in the Ordinary Plenary session this month: the government team has devised 'paripé' budgets that do not reflect the real needs of Granada families, the ruin of many companies, merchants , workers and freelancers who have suffered the consequences of the pandemic every day for eight months, while PP and Ciudadanos continue without working on updated and real items for the city of Granada, ”criticized Onofre Miralles.

The lines to follow for the approval of the 2021 budget are very clear for the municipal spokesperson of VOX: “Some sensitive budgets with the commerce, the hotel industry, the generation of employment and the containment of the expenses by the City Council, these are the keys that the government team must understand to get the people of Granada out of the crisis.

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