Last year the Alcalá city council paid between 5 and 6 million euros for the cleaning service and the result is dirty streets, broken garbage containers, in poor condition and scarce, which do not meet the needs of the city
Seville, one of October 2020. The spokesperson for the VOX Municipal Group in the Alcalá de Guadaíra City Council Juan Carlos Sanchez, has announced that “They will demand in the next plenary session of the City Council the departure of the municipality of the Mancomunidad de los Alcores due to the irregularities detected in the provision of the service in line with the budget items allocated to it.
Sánchez has advanced that "We will also demand that an external audit be carried out in the Mancomunidad de los Alcores to elucidate the destination of huge amounts paid by the City Council, in addition to the management carried out and the work of the staff who provide their services ”.
Juan Carlos Sánchez considers "inadmissible" that the almost 6 million euros that the City Council pays to the Mancomunidad de los Alcores for the cleaning service is not reflected in the streets. “We have a dirty city, where the garbage containers are broken or in poor condition and they are also scarce, the needs of the city are not covered”.
From Vox Alcalá we also demand “Explanations to the Delegate of Urban Services, José Antonio Montero, about where the 450 new containers, sweepers and trucks that were acquired, supposedly a year ago, have gone to alleviate the deficiencies in both road cleaning and garbage collection ”. "A material that we have never seen, one more promise, in vain, from this government team where excuses are" our daily bread. "
From Vox we are not going to consent to "The basic rights of the alcalareños are violated, such as the maintenance of hygiene in the streets of the city and we will not stop until a decent cleaning service is restored" and that is why we will demand that the City Council carry out the external audit as quickly as possible to determine where the money destined for cleaning the town is spent.
"We will not tolerate the lack of transparency, information and explanations regarding the causes of deficiencies in the provision of services " has concluded Juan Carlos Sánchez, who has made it clear that “from VOX we will always fight to the end for the welfare of the people of Alcala and "We will not pass even one" to a government team that seems to care very little about the city it governs. "