Mario Ortolá (VOX) has registered a proposal for an Institutional Declaration to the Plenary of the Alicante City Council in which the Department of Education of the Generalitat Valenciana is asked to install a video surveillance system in order to curb the proliferation of robberies in schools and institutes at night.

Ortolá affirms that he is very concerned with the situation experienced by the educational community of CEIP Benalúa and CEIP La Condomina, after the numerous robberies that occurred in recent months. “The parents of students from the Benalúa School do not have to stand guard in front of the school, given the abandonment of the Department, to stop a wave of robberies in the center. We are very concerned that from Valencia absolutely nothing is done and teachers, parents and students of Alicante schools are left to their fate where there have been a series of thefts of computers, office supplies, radiators and even money cash. Parents are fed up with seeing their requests that go beyond safeguarding the safety of their children get ignored. "

“In addition to robberies, gates, windows and furniture in the centers are broken as a result of acts of vandalism that criminals, once inside, are engaged in carrying out. Mr. Marzá is responsible for putting at the service of the centers that he himself manages all the security measures that are necessary to ensure the tranquility of the educational communities of the affected centers. We understand that the installation of a video surveillance system would be effective from the point of view of both deterrence and identification of thieves. We cannot tolerate that parents have to take measures in schools when the safety of their children and their belongings is a right that must be enforced by the autonomous administration itself ”, affirms the Spokesperson.

This initiative comes as a response to the wave of robberies produced in the CEIP Benalúa in Alicante and that forced the parents of the students to "stand guard" in front of the center during the Constitution Bridge. On five occasions, an unknown number of assailants stole laptops and desktops, a projector and several backpacks and other belongings from teachers and students.

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