. This Friday, October 16, the Provincial Group of VOX in Diputación presents a motion and will raise several questions to the plenary session. The motion asks recognition and public tribute by the Provincial Council to the Association of Gancheros del Alto Tajo Municipalities.

The motion will ask for the installation of a plaque in each of the five municipalities of our province that belong to the association, Peñalem, Peralejos de las Truchas, Poveda de la Sierra, Taravilla and Zaorejas. It also asks the institution that, when the sanitary circumstances and the logical precautions due to the pandemic allow it, the schools and institutes of the province be urged to carry out a cultural outing to take a tour of the five towns and thus know the hooking trade .

He spokesperson for the Provincial Group of VOX in the Provincial Council Ivan Sanchez has explained that in addition to the recognition of a tradition that is “emblem of our province " the objective is that "People get to know the tradition of the gancheros and bring everyone closer to the Upper Tagus because in these times we need more tourism within our province."

Solutions for transportation to the rural world

Also VOX During question time, Socialist President José Luis Vega will be asked for explanations about the transport situation in Sigüenza and Molina. It should be remembered that a meeting was requested from the provincial institution with the Minister of Transport, José Luis Ábalos, of the same political sign as the provincial government.

The VOX spokesperson recalled that “The trains are not arriving to Sigüenza, it was proposed in a motion in June that the usual train cadences be replaced. Now the creditors of the bus company that goes to Molina de Aragón have accepted the bankruptcy, and the neighbors only have one in the morning and another in the afternoon to go to and from Guadalajara ”. “The Board and the Ministry are governed by socialists who have to respond to this problem, we can no longer excuse ourselves in the coronavirus, now we have to stand up and facilitate transportation so that people can come and go to the needy Sigüenza and Molina of Aragon ”, Sanchez added.

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