If there will be repatriation of the Moroccans trapped in Ceuta after the closure of the border, how it will be done, and when, they are unknowns that it seems that only Morocco will respond since the Government Delegation has not offered information and even claims not to have it. A situation in which the national deputy of Vox for Ceuta, Teresa López, has already addressed the Executive of the Nation to clarify if there are contacts with the Moroccan authorities and why she has not taken the initiative in this matter.

The Ceuta parliamentarian has registered a battery of questions addressed to the Executive after learning that the repatriation of Moroccans trapped in the city was frozen. López affirms that what has happened in recent days "hints that Morocco is directing the way and the moment to take charge of its citizens, in addition to highlighting the contradictions that have been carried out by the Government Delegation."

"During the weekend, the Government Delegation was not aware that any repatriation was going to be carried out as it did not have official confirmation from Morocco," recalls the Vox national deputy to add how, hours later, from the Headquarters of the Plaza de los Reyes it was said that "since Friday, contacts with the Tetuaní authorities had been maintained." "To all this is added a dance of information on a list that the Delegation supposedly has on the nationals of whom Morocco has communicated that it accepts their repatriation, while the Security Forces are unaware that it exists," denounces López, who asks about the veracity of the existence of this list and with what criteria it has been made.

Given “the gravity” of the situation, the Vox national deputy requires the Government to clarify whether there has been contact with Morocco for repatriation and, if so, why the orderly departure of Moroccans trapped in Ceuta has not been regulated, avoiding the confusion between these people. In addition, López asks to know why it has not been the Executive of Spain who has taken the initiative to repatriate the Moroccans trapped in the autonomous cities.

"What is the reason that makes the Government withdraw to the conditions established by Morocco?" Asks the Ceuta parliamentarian, who also asks why the Delegation has not made any appearance or official statement on the possible repatriation. Finally, López questions what is the reason why Spain allows Morocco "to stop the repatriation if it had been agreed, as reported by the Government Delegation to the media."

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