The Municipal Group of VOX will urge the Plenum of the Granada City Council to promote a tribute in memory of Don Luis Portero, Chief Prosecutor of the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia murdered by ETA in 2000, and to initiate a round of contacts with the institutions to coordinate the acts of recognition in honor of one of the most brilliant and outstanding career lawyers in the history of Democracy, murdered by the terrorist group precisely for his firm defense of Liberty and Justice.

Onofre Miralles, spokesman for the Municipal Group of VOX, has presented a request that he will present in the ordinary plenary session of July so that the City Council of Granada leads the acts "of the deserved tribute around the figure of Luis Portero, beginning with a series of conferences on Liberty, Democracy and Justice; just as we propose religious offices for the memory of your soul; and institutional acts on the part of the City council, the Meeting of Andalusia, the Government of Spain and the organs of government of the Judiciary and the Office of the public prosecutor, institutions with which the government team must meet and coordinate said public recognitions.

The municipal spokesman for VOX recalled that «on October 9, 2000, the terrorist group ETA was waiting at the door of their house for the Chief Prosecutor of the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia. Years later, the police investigations determined that, in the immediate future, Luis Portero was going to be appointed Attorney General of the State, therefore not only that day the Chief Prosecutor of Andalusia was assassinated, but also who was to be the highest authority within the Prosecutor's Office in Spain ».

From VOX they have insisted that "any tribute to the memory of this person seems little to us, and, in this case, on the 20th anniversary of his murder, we believe that it should be remembered by all the political forces and all the institutions of Granada" .

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