The deputies of the VOX Parliamentary Group, Ignacio Blanco and Sara Álvarez Rouco, have stated this morning that "the Government of Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias makes a personal decision of the King Emeritus an exculpatory opportunity to evade his responsibilities and the criminal cases that, before or later, they will come for their negligent management, for having withheld information, and for being directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Spaniards ”.
"We are facing a criminal government, directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of compatriots, directly responsible for the ruin of millions of homes, directly responsible for the migratory invasion that we suffered and directly responsible for endangering coexistence in Spain," say the deputies of the Parliamentary Group VOX Asturias.
The situation in which we find ourselves, -said Ignacio Blanco and Sara Álvarez Rouco-, "with a Government that constitutes a serious threat to the future of Spain", makes the motion of censorship of VOX even more necessary than ever " .
In any case, the deputies point out, "King Felipe VI is the head of the nation" and "we are not going to fall into the trap of discussing historical legacies with those who manipulate the past as a result of totalitarian law."

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