October 12, 2020
The spokesperson for VOX in the General Meeting of the Principality, Ignacio Blanco, announced today that he will raise to the Asturian Parliament the complaints of the residents of Siero affected by the lack of school transport for the students of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) of Villanueva. Therefore, after visiting the area, accompanied by the VOX councilor in Siero, Alejandro Álvarez, as well as part of the municipal team, and holding a meeting with those affected, the spokesperson indicated that he will request the appearance of the Head of the Mobility Office in the Asturian Parliament to ask for explanations “to a completely unfair situation that forces schoolchildren to travel more than a kilometer and a half in the dark until they reach the bus stop when the Villanueva stop is recognized as such by the company that provides the service, such and how the families have transferred us ”.
"The neighbors are fed up with lies, -continues Blanco-, and the situation they suffer every day since the company does not cover the stop now, when 40 years ago that route was covered. I don't think those roads were better 40 years ago, what seems to be worse is the desire of the Government of Adrián Barbón to provide service in the rural world ”. In addition, the spokesperson adds, there is the paradox, as those affected have told us, “that there are two nearby routes, with stops located at 1600 meters and 1700 meters from the one that is not covered and the local children have than living on an island, without service, and traveling the 1.6 kilometers when the stop that corresponds to them does not appear as denied, but the service is not provided nevertheless ”.
For this reason, the spokesperson has announced that the VOX Parliamentary Group will request the appearance of the Head of the Mobility office, while urging a solution for the affected families ”.
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