VOX has been released with force and has confirmed the best predictions that the formation felt during the electoral campaign. Gets representation in both the Cortes de Aragón, entering with three deputies, and also in a Zaragoza City Council where he gets two councilors.
In the case of the regional elections, VOX has obtained the support of 6.08% of the voters, surpassing more long-lived formations such as PAR, which exceeds 5%, and also Izquierda Unida, with 3, 33% of the votes. In this way, it is installed as the sixth most voted force for the Cortes de Aragón.
This supposes the irruption of three deputies. On the part of Saragossa enter Santiago Morón, candidate for the Presidency of the DGA, and also Marta Fernández Martín. Complete the short list, from the list by Huesca, David Arranz Ballesteros, Madrid lawyer.
Known the results, Morón affirmed that to be the "first time" in which they concurred to the autonomic and municipal elections it is possible to be cataloged "like a success" the result. In this sense, stood out being present "in the five municipalities of the main towns of Aragon", obtaining also "a representation that will allow to have its own group in the new Aragonese parliament".
City Council of Zaragoza
Meanwhile, in the City Council of Zaragoza are two councilors that will have VOX in the legislature that is about to begin. Julio Calvo, candidate for mayor in these elections, accesses the new municipal corporation accompanied by number 2 on the list, Carmen Rouco.
Calvo already wanted to make clear his intentions of being able to reach a pact that allows to govern in Zaragoza to center-right, affirming that they were not going to present difficulties "at all" to reach the change "that the city needs".
(Via Aragón Digital)