"The Government of PSOE and United We Can, once again, shows its most absolute lack of consideration and respect for the illegal immigration problems that suffocate Ceuta, using arguments lacking in content and appealing to a supposed friendship with the neighboring Kingdom of Morocco that it does not correspond to the attitude that can be seen daily in relations with the neighboring country ”. This is how the president of VOX Ceuta, Juan Sergio Redondo, has valued one of the government's latest responses to questions about why the agreement with Morocco to repatriate unaccompanied Moroccan minors is not being fulfilled.
VOX does not give up in its efforts to have the Government implement the agreement signed by Spain and Morocco in Rabat in 2007 to favor the repatriation of unaccompanied Moroccan minors in Spanish territory. Something that until now has not happened except for two cases in Melilla in which it was detected how the mothers of the minors had left them in the autonomous city and a judge decreed that mothers and children be accompanied to the border for their return to Morocco.
Given the breach of the agreement on the repatriation of these minors, the questions that VOX, through its deputy for Ceuta, Teresa López, has asked the Government have been different and repeated. And he has always received the same answer: Morocco is a neighboring and friendly country. A speech that from Moncloa they repeat without moving a comma to any type of question about why this agreement is not implemented and the economic consequences that this has for Spain and especially for the autonomous cities, which this year will spend twelve million euros each one to serve MENA, mostly Moroccans.
The latest interpellations raised by López wanted the Government to explain when it was going to proceed to launch the corresponding procedure for the repatriation of the MENA who are in Spain and, in addition, when the first annual meeting of the two was going to take place. to which the Rabat agreement obliges. For all answers, the Executive of Sánchez points out to both questions that "Morocco is a neighbor and friend country, as well as a strategic partner with whom we have a deep and varied relationship.
"Our dialogue is fluid and covers a multiplicity of areas and with interlocutors at all institutional levels. This dialogue includes the question of unaccompanied foreign minors ”, points out the Government, which does not give further details and once again leaves unanswered the question of why Morocco refuses to assume the responsibility it has for these minors.
For Redondo, it is a "joke" to say that the solution to the issue of pressure from unaccompanied minors on the cities of Ceuta and Melilla "is limited to the sphere of friendly relations between two countries considered strategic partners." "It is a joke for all Ceuta who see how, time and again, the Moroccan authorities not only prevent the arrival of these minors, but also and on many occasions they even encourage a significant part of these entries", warns.
Faced with this situation, Redondo affirms: “From VOX we demand greater respect and interest from the Government of Sánchez and Iglesias to solve such serious immigration problems that affect Ceuta, adopting forceful measures and not using all kinds of empty rhetoric to avoid their responsibility with the security and control of our borders, especially in the autonomous cities ”.