The agents of the Local Police of the city, in certain occasions, when not being able to use the firearm, are in a defenseless situation. This reason has generated that VOX Ceuta propose in the next Plenary of the Assembly the incorporation of the laser pistol as another element of work for the agents.

Police associations and other security forces have called for the incorporation of this non-harmful weapon, so that the police can respond to an attack in a proportionate manner and without putting the life of the attacker at risk. During the past year, up to 200 Spanish municipalities opted for the taser, which is increasingly widespread in the rest of the countries. This reason has led the party to propose that the implementation of this device in the Local Police of Ceuta be carried out "gradually, until all patrols have electric pistols of these characteristics."

With this device, the agent could momentarily immobilize the aggressor. As stated by the Unified Police Union itself, "they are devices of minimal injury, which generate an immediate and temporary incapacitation of a violent person." Its main advantage, VOX Ceuta points out, would be "the reduction of the cases in which the agent must approach or establish body-to-body contact with the offender." In addition, the training proposes the implementation of a continuous training program so that the officers learn the optimal handling of this weapon, and thus make a correct use of it.

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