Once again, VOX Ceuta will question the Executive, in the next plenary session, by the Digmun association, as well as by the Intercultura association. And the thing is, the party led by Juan Sergio Round is committed to ending public subsidies to associations and organizations of ideological proselytism. "From Vox we bet that the associations that do ideological proselytism should be maintained mainly with the contributions of their affiliates and supporters," highlights the training.

As for the Digmun association, VOX Ceuta wants to know “what is the objective so that 105,000 euros are allocated to them”, and “how and why the first public subsidy of the city was granted to this association, being in the presidency of the City the current president ”. And it is that, the formation wants to know if the Government seems good to subsidize a project of an association that attends in workshops to about eighty Moroccan women without residence.

In addition, the training will ask to know, in the same way, the situation of the funds that the Intercultura association receives. “Why does the city government pay 70,000 for the Ceuta Interculture project? ", Questions VOX Ceuta. The party wants to know if the Government is aware of the ideological or personal ties of this association with any of the parliamentary groups present in the Ceuta Assembly.

Propaganda in Mackerel networks

VOX is committed to having an audit of all the grants awarded in the last four years and demanding responsibilities in case of improper use. Also, in the case of the Intercultura association, the party will question the Government, among other issues, if they are aware of the criteria used by said association to hire its personnel. "Does the Government know the propaganda that this association makes through its social networks to the Caballas political party?" Asks the formation.

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