The spokesman for the VOX municipal group in the Almería City Council, Joaquín Pérez de la Blanca, calls on the Popular Party for urgent action to eradicate these illegal actions. Specifically, VOX has addressed María del Mar García Lorca, councilor of the Security and Mobility Area, so that launch the action plan against pirate taxis. This plan was agreed between both groups that would be carried out during the year 2020 to end this practice.
Joaquín Pérez de la Blanca states that "we must act urgently because it is unfair that professionals who are aware of their rates and their corresponding licenses are competing with people who work without fulfilling their obligations to the administration."
Perez de la Blanca points out that for users “it means a danger to travel in vehicles that do not have any type of security control neither administrative ”. In addition, it indicates that it involves unfair and harmful competition against those who fulfill their obligations. "We demand that action be taken to protect the taxi industry, so punished by the crisis." VOX believes that these illegal actions cause an increase in the tension between professionals.
The VOX municipal group and the Popular Party reached an agreement to increase the presence of Local Police in the vicinity of the Station, as well as to increase controls and stop those people who offer to transport travelers without having the administrative authorization.