The Municipal Group of VOX has echoed the neighborhood criticism against the decision of the Granada City Council to expand the ORA area in the capital's neighborhoods by more than 900 places, a contract signed with the concessionaire in 2018, when the government local was in the hands of the PSOE.

Onofre Miralles, municipal spokesman for VOX, has denounced the "complicit silence of PP and Ciudadanos, who seem to only care about emptying the pocket of the people of Granada", and has considered a "shameful attitude of the government team to justify the 'pact of the elbow 'and cover the shame of its budget partners, not caring that this decision affects very negatively the residents of the capital.

During a visit to the Zaidín district, where 284 paid parking spaces have been established on Primavera street alone, the Municipal VOX Group has detected that “the implementation of the blue zone has been carried out without offering any type of information to the neighbors or merchants. By surprise, and from one day to the next, the Zaidineros find themselves in an ORA zone still without parking meters and without knowing if there will be bonuses for residents or business owners ”.

Onofre Miralles, on the other hand, has criticized "the insulting exercise of cynicism of the PSOE, which publicly censures the current government team for expanding the blue zone but does not say that this contract was signed in 2018, when Francisco Cuenca was the mayor of Granada ”.

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