VOX Granada has demanded the immediate resignation of the socialist Olvido de la Rosa, head of the Social Welfare area and vice-president of the Granada Provincial Council, being responsible for the unwarranted delay in the distribution of 20,000 masks provided by the Andalusian Government, which It is a serious negligence and a decision that could endanger the health of the people of Granada at this time when the fight against the coronavirus must be decisive by all institutions, since the pandemic has cost the lives of almost 16,000 people. in Spain and our province requires all possible means to make them available to health personnel, Security Forces and Bodies, officials, nursing homes, home help and the general population.

From VOX Granada we do not understand how the Granada Provincial Council decided to delay the reception and delivery of these personal protective equipment that saves the lives of citizens against a possible contagion of the coronavirus until Monday, a material transferred by the Andalusian Government and apparently intended for staff and users of the home help service.

The statement by the County Council that the Board notified them on Wednesday night of the availability of the masks and that it coincided with the festive bridge of Easter cannot be an excuse for this unnecessary delay, when it is demonstrated that the use EPIs are absolutely necessary to combat the pandemic, and for this reason we request the immediate resignation of Olvido de la Rosa as head of the Social Welfare area and vice president of the Granada Provincial Council, one more example of the disastrous management of the PSOE in the face of the crisis of Covid-19.

Furthermore, we recall that VOX, at the national level, has repeatedly demanded adequate personal protective equipment for personnel of the State Security Forces and Corps, the Armed Forces and private security guards. Also for the personnel that serve in the Penitentiary Centers, Agents of the authority, as well as those who provide services in public and private health centers, and personnel of attention to the public of all the establishments open to the public.

Let's protect Spain.

The VOX Parliamentary Group has registered a total of 25 amendments to the Royal Decree to extend the Alarm State.

In the registered text, VOX claims – in addition to the already announced resignation petition to the current Government for its disastrous management of the coronavirus crisis – the implementation of a Health Emergency Plan as well as the adoption of measures that contribute to alleviating the crisis economic that will follow the sanitary.

1.- For the purposes of the state of alarm, the competent authority will be the Government.

2.- The President of the Government will proceed to his immediate resignation, the day after the entry into force of this Royal Decree, and, within the next 48 hours, a new investiture session will be held in Congress of the Deputies for the immediate implementation of a Government of Concentration and National Emergency, strong, united and whose sole objective is to protect the Spanish, save lives and jobs:

– That it represents the vast majority of the Spanish people and that for this reason it has the support of the three great political forces of Congress; that together they add 260 seats, that is, 74% of Congress.

– That he is not guilty of the Venezuelan narco-dictatorship and the expropriation ambitions of Mr. Pablo Iglesias.

– That it not give a millimeter before the threat and the blackmail of the separatists.

– That it exercises a single command under four ministries: Economy, Defense, Interior and Health.

– That it be made up of technicians and politicians without active militancy, without eyes on future elections, whose sole mission is to save lives and jobs, and who assumes their responsibility with the firm commitment to call elections as soon as the Spanish can breathe; free of Coronaviruses, free of Chavista nationalizations and free of totalitarian temptations.

3.- For the exercise of the functions referred to in this Royal Decree, under the highest direction of the President of the Government, will be delegated competent authorities, in their respective areas of responsibility:

a] The Minister of Defense

b] The Minister of the Interior

c] The Minister of Economy

d] The Minister of Health

The GP VOX also claims that all the powers of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia are assumed by the competent authority defined in article 4.

And, as far as transport is concerned, it proposes that when traveling in private vehicles, the limit of one person, and with adequate sanitary precautions, may be exceeded if it is for people residing in the same home.

Regarding sanitary measures, VOX claims the following immediate sanitary measures:

– Complete renewal of the advisory council of the Ministry of Health, including in it, clinicians, clinical researchers, pharmacists, pharmacologists, epidemiologists and nurses.

– Implementation of a single, mandatory, real-time database of all variables of interest in the epidemic; including the actual number of deaths, from all causes, be it from Coronavirus, cancer, and other diseases. All physicians will be required to record the cause of death, noting whether the case was a confirmed case or a possible case of Coronavirus.

– Implementation of a National Production Emergency Plan with the highest priority of urgently purchasing and manufacturing:

▪ Protective material for all essential professionals, prioritizing sanitarians, FF.AA., FF.SS., and scientists.

▪ Protective material for all Spaniards, especially face masks, and disinfectants.

▪ Environmental, chemical and physical disinfectants.

▪ Diagnostic kits for patients, healthcare professionals, and close contacts, which allow us to check the state of infectiousness, contagiousness, and degree of immunity or defenses they are having, in order to discharge them safely for the entire population.

▪ Treatments that have given initial signs of activity or that have a plausible scientific basis.

▪ Life support equipment for both emergencies and hospitalization.

– Strengthening of ICUs and resuscitation units.

– Creation of monographic hospitals, so as to guarantee the complete isolation of contagious patients.

– Coordination of emergency services at the national level.

– Creation of a single Center for the Control of Epidemics, which brings together the necessary competencies of the General Directorate of Public Health and Health Care, the Carlos III Health Institute and its National Centers for Microbiology and Epidemiology, as well as the Higher Center for Scientific Investigations.

– Within this body, a Center will be set up to prepare and respond to public health emergencies, with the broadest powers in terms of citizen follow-up and control and epidemics.

– Maximum funding for scientific projects and clinical trials aimed at researching the Coronavirus and the pathogenesis of COVID, prioritizing those of a national nature.

– Use of the Spanish hotel network for accommodation of health workers, so that they do not infect their family contacts, in periods of 14 days, with PCR and serology tests.

– Establishment of a Social Assistance Network to attend to the family needs of sick health professionals.

– Increase in the salary of all health professionals by 20%.

– Financial compensation for health volunteers who have retired.

– Definitive creation of the Infectious Diseases and Emergencies Specialties.

2. During the state of alarm and as long as the Spanish health system remains in saturation as a consequence of COVID19, foreigners who are not holders of an authorization to reside in Spanish territory may obtain the provision of health care from the National Health System by the payment of the corresponding consideration or fee derived from the signing of a special agreement ”.

In addition, it claims that during the validity of the state of alarm they will be suspended and no pardon grant files will be initiated.

In economic matters, the party chaired by Santiago Abascal demands that during the validity of the state of alarm, compliance with all tax and Social Security obligations of all self-employed and small and medium-sized companies be suspended, which, under the Royal Decree of declaration from the state of alarm, they were forced to stop exercising their activity totally or partially. Once the effects of the activity ban have ended, the Government will establish the exceptional deadlines for compliance with its obligations, the suspension of which will be maintained for three months. The suspension of the accrual of Social Security quotas will apply to both employed workers and the self-employed. ”

Regarding information to the Congress of Deputies, it is claimed that during the validity of the state of alarm, the President of the Government and the competent delegated authorities must appear once a week before the Plenary to give complete information on the current state of situation and how many extremes related to the state of alarm are required by the Parliamentary Groups ”.

Additional provisions
In addition, the GP VOX suggests that the taxes that fall on families' domestic consumption be suspended: electricity, water and gas; to suspend the payment of the mortgage loan installment during the state of alarm; and a plan of economic measures:

– Demand that the European Union use the trillion euros destined for a "climate emergency" for this health and economic emergency. Reach urgent bilateral agreements with other countries to guarantee the supply of essential materials and products.

– Suppress the payment of foreign aid and international cooperation missions.

– Immediate stoppage of the execution of any budget item in Spain that is not aimed at basic functions of the State. Delete all non-essential items.

– Incorporation of union freedmen to their productive positions in critical sectors such as health and law enforcement.

– Assumption of payment by the State and for three months, of the amount of the payroll of all workers; In the case of the self-employed, payment of an amount equivalent to the average level of their turnover in the previous three months. The amount of approximately 80,000 million euros that this measure will cost will be obtained, in addition to the reorientation of all public funds, from two main sources:

a] Issuance of eurobonds that would allow the Kingdom of Spain to obtain the liquidity necessary to undertake this investment.

b] Of the 100,000 million euros that, according to the Government, have been allocated to fight against climate change.

– All workers who continue to go to their jobs in essential activities will be compensated with a bonus of 20% of their salary, for the risks assumed.

On the other hand, and in reference this time to the financing of public and private media, the GP VOX urges that no aid be granted or extraordinary funding, under any modality, of the media, public and private, during the validity of the state of alarm, or its termination, to face the economic losses derived from it. Aid already granted during the state of alarm will be revoked, and its reimbursement will be required from the beneficiary media ”.

The suspension of the accrual of subsidies to political parties, trade union organizations, business organizations and non-governmental organizations is also proposed. "And that the equivalent amount is destined to direct aid to citizens, managed by the Local Entities, in order to meet the costs of accommodation, meals, gas, water, electricity and telephone consumption, or any other basic for the subsistence".

Source of the new