The Parliamentary Group VOX Valencian Community and the VOX Group of the Diputación de Valencia denounce and reject the play "Power and Holiness" sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the County Council of Valencia for spending the money of the Valencians to offend Catholics.
Joaquin Alés, provincial deputy of VOX explains that "The play 'Power and Holiness' that opens in a few weeks at the Principal Theater of Valencia represents an attack and humiliation not only against the Catholic Church but also against the Catholic Faith, the Faith of many Valencians, and what makes it especially disgusting in this case, is that it has the financing of the Valencian public coffers, with the money of all Valencians. There is the paradox that many Valencians are going to see their private sphere, their Faith, attacked with their own money. It is absolutely disgusting that some political representatives have decided that the Catholic Church can be attacked, it can be humiliated ”.
Alés adds that these political representatives are also "cowards" because they would not finance these attacks against other religions such as Islam.
For her part, the spokesperson for Education and Culture of the VOX Parliamentary Group, Llanos Massó declares that “the money of all Valencians cannot be wasted in sponsoring a play that is dedicated to offending the Faith of Valencians. In addition to wasteful, it is disrespectful to use our money to humiliate Catholics. That money is very necessary for other things in education, health … Citizens, who in general are having a very bad time, do not understand why their money is wasted ”.
Llanos Massó adds that the money that the Valencian Institute of Culture receives should also be reviewed.