VOX deputies receive information on the delicate situation of the taxi in Zaragoza. The Zaragoza provincial auto-taxi association has held a meeting with the national deputy Pedro Fernández and the regional deputies Marta Fernández and David Arranz. And they have dealt with the taxi situation as a result of the crisis caused by the covid 19 pandemic.
The taxi sector is not receiving sufficient support or help from public administrations. Unlike other sectors or other means of public transport. As they have pointed out from the association, “it is a priority to make visible the collapse of the daily collections of taxis, which barely provide to cover the expenses of the activity. Which puts the public taxi service in Zaragoza in danger of being unfeasible ».
Delicate situation
In Zaragoza there are 1,777 taxi licenses, of which 1,657 belong to the provincial auto taxi association, the only representative association of the taxi sector. In the first months of the pandemic, the drop in demand was greater than 75%. Today, with a slight recovery, the drop can be estimated at 60%
In the first months they received state aid such as the abolition of the payment of the self-employed and the benefit due to a drop in demand by more than 75%. But these aids have disappeared. And the situation becomes untenable.
The collections are totally insufficient to guarantee a minimum profitability of the operation and the economic viability of the public taxi service. A service whose obligation to provide citizens legally depends on the municipalities. But whose structure and regulatory regime depend on the autonomous communities.
From the provincial association of auto taxi of Zaragoza they have shown to the deputies of VOX their interest in appearing in the Cortes of Aragon. In order to convey to the rest of the political formations, as they have already done with VOX, the delicate situation the sector is going through.