The Provincial Group of VOX has presented a motion for the acquisition and distribution of hygienic and surgical masks in the Granada municipalities with charge of the 2020 budget of the Granada Provincial Council, and for the purchase of masks adapted to deaf people and students of age school.
Cristina Jiménez, spokesperson for the VOX Provincial Group in Granada, explained that “the current situation of state of alarm that is hitting the weakest economic sectors again, many families are seeing their economy seriously affected and they are unable to buy the most basic and necessary food. We are without a doubt immersed, in a growing food emergency in the homes of our neighbors.
For this reason, Cristina Jiménez asks in her motion “to consider the same initiative of the previous point for the next budget of 2021 of this provincial Institution and in the aforementioned sense, as well as to urge the Andalusian Autonomous Community to provide the corresponding item in the budgets for the next fiscal year, for the financing of the material distributed under the conditions established in the first point, and that the Government of Spain partially finances the hygienic or surgical masks, once the state of alarm has ended and when their use is declared as recommended and not required. Likewise, from VOX we urge the Government of the Nation to apply as soon as possible via the Interministerial Commission of Medicine Prices (CIPM) the modification of the LIVA to apply the super-reduced VAT percentage of 4% that has been announced.
On the other hand, by means of a motion presented to the Ordinary Plenary in November, the spokesperson for the Provincial Group of VOX in Granada requests “to prepare and convene a Plan to help the hospitality sector for the municipalities of the Province of Granada, which includes a line of aid or subsidies as widely as in law correspond, destined to defray the expenses derived from the cessation of activity after the measures adopted by the Junta de Andalucía. For the elaboration of said Aid Plan for the hospitality sector in the Province of Granada, which will be budgeted, the mayors of the province must be heard, in order to avoid the definitive closure of bars and restaurants in many towns of the province of Granada and alleviate the catastrophic economic and social consequences derived from it; Measures will be articulated so that the benefits of said Plan truly reach the entrepreneurs who manage said establishments, understood as natural persons, the self-employed, commercial companies and micro-SMEs; Launch an institutional campaign to support rural hospitality, including promotion on social networks using the hashtag #SALVEMOSNUESTROBAR; To urge the Junta de Andalucía to allocate a budget item to alleviate the situation for the Granada hotel industry, caused in this case by the severe restrictions adopted by the Andalusian government for our Province in the Order of November 8, 2020, by which Alert levels 3 and 4 are modulated as a result of the critical epidemiological situation derived from COVID-19 in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, and Administrations must be sensitive to concentrations in defense of the sector, such as the one that took place today in Granada ».
In addition, another motion is presented by Cristina Jiménez to “recognize the cultural and business importance of the bullfighting sector and the livestock sector, showing the support of this Institution to both sectors; We request a commitment to allocate a budget for the Culture Area for the year 2021 and, consequently, reserve the economic amount that is agreed for the cultural promotion of activities in the sector with bullfighting schools in the province of Granada; and create a line of aid from the Area of Culture for the protection, management and recovery of the bullrings as members of the municipal historical-artistic heritage to which municipalities with less than 20,000 inhabitants that have a bullring can apply ”.