VOX in Aragón defends economic and business freedom. It has been in a debate in the Courts about modifying the rents of establishments with activities limited by COVID-19.
Specifically, in the debate of a Non-Law Proposal, on modifying the rents of establishments with activities limited by COVID-19, presented by the United Left Parliamentary Group Aragón (Mixed G.P.).
The deputy of VOX in Aragon, Marta Fernández, has responded with few words, but forcefully:
“We cannot support your initiative as it interferes with freedom of business. It generates legal uncertainty in the leasing party that must become a benefactor. It represents an attack on the freedom of agreements and on economic freedom itself.
We do not support because many, many owners of premises are not large companies, but individuals who have decided to invest their savings in small properties (garages, premises) and with whose income they supplement their salaries or pensions.
The Administration, which is the one who forced the premises to close, is the one that must provide the solutions:
- Direct aid for the payment of rent and supplies
- Lower the IBI in the town halls to allow rent reductions
- Or Discount Tax on Supplies (ICA and others) ».