The VOX Parliamentary Group in Aragon has sent a letter to the Mesa de las Cortes, in which it proposes that the ordinary sessions of the Plenary be resumed, during the health crisis, and carried out virtually.
In view of how events are unfolding, fearing that the exceptional situation we are experiencing will continue over time, and with the aim of facilitating the action to promote and control the action of the Government, attributed to the Cortes de Aragon, in article 33 of the Statute of Autonomy, the VOX Parliamentary Group in Aragon requests that mechanisms be established to allow sessions to be held by videoconference or other non-face-to-face means, to guarantee attendance, follow-up, participation and voting telematics of the deputies.
VOX in Aragon considers that parliamentary life should not be stopped during this crisis and urges the Mesa de las Cortes and the rest of the formations to accept its proposal to continue working for the well-being of all Aragonese, and especially, to promote new measures that help alleviate the effects of this pandemic.
On the other hand, the VOX deputy in Aragon, Santiago Morón, a doctor on leave, has volunteered to collaborate, without remuneration, with health personnel who work on the front line to combat COVID 19.