VOX in Aragon raises 11 motions for resolutions after the debate on the Community. Among them, inescapably, the development of the disability law.

Part of these proposals drives the areas of health, education, economy and industry. As well as agriculture, science and university. And it urges the Government of Aragon to carry out specific actions and measures to improve its management.

The rest of the proposals represent a reprobation of the management of the Government of Aragon in several areas:

  • For being alien to the social reality of the Aragonese and trying to find solutions with partial measures, showing that the state of the autonomies has failed. This is no longer a diagnosis, but for our group all evidence.
  • To disapprove of the deficient management carried out in the health and social services field, with special mention of the lack of care and omission in nursing homes. In the same way, and finally, we disapprove of the deficient management of the structuring and science departments.

Access the VOX resolution proposals in Aragon

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