In Vox They are convinced to be on the right track. They claim from the Santiago Abascal party that so much criticism and confrontation trying to discredit Vox It can only make sense because of the fear that other political formations have taken to the coherence of Vox in all areas and institutions.

Yesterday there were constant attacks on Vox from all political forces, attacks that today come "well reflected" in the role of the "voice of his master" with different headers.

It accuses Vox to veto certain Institutional Declarations accusing the party of all types of barbarities while concealing, for example, the veto to various institutional declarations submitted by Vox in our City Council for the mere fact of carrying the signature of the green formation.

Vox I already explained yesterday, in a press release published by few and misrepresented by several, their position before International Women's Day presenting an Institutional Declaration vetoed exclusively by the sectarianism of some parties before the brand Vox.

He was also charged, from the extreme left to Vox to improperly veto, together with PP and Citizens, the motion presented by Unidos Podemos – Izquierda Unida, on the impact of investment funds in the Castellón housing market.

Vox explains his veto very simply: "We do not think the market intervention is appropriate, it would be the first communist position established in our town hall and it is known that communist policies always end in ruin"

The interventionism in the market, the rise of the IBI by 50% to the “big holders” who own more than 10 homes and the start-up of the “sneaks” included in point 1 of the “Duties of collaboration with the administration” of the Social Function Law of the Generalitat Valenciana, it would only imply unnecessary public control of the market and a new price increase.

But the "hate" to Vox It doesn't end there. Some media has worried even the prices of the trip of the affiliates to Madrid, next March 8, to attend Vistalegre III La Alternativa. The media, allegedly informed by a “former military officer Vox Castellón that is now only affiliated ”, they will explain this new formula, affirms that it is charged more than in Valencia and suggests that particular benefit is sought. The first one pointed to the trip was already informed that the price was indicative and that it would be safely reduced, as it has been.

Another curious case is as told in another medium, very similar to the PSOE, a supposed internal crisis in VOX, nonexistent and invented to unbalance the party by some members who have ceased to have powers in it.

In short, the Spanish left has a tremendous bargain, they can justify everything they do wrong, their own incompetence, blaming VOX

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