VOX La Muela condemns as genderless violence an attack perpetrated on request in the town on August 15. The VOX councilors for La Muela, Carlos Rodrigo and Lucio de La Cruz, condemn the act that the police prevented was lethal.
This condemnation, like those recently declared by VOX Zaragoza, is included in the party's campaign against all kinds of violence. Whether or not it is sexist, gender or not, intrafamily or not, whatever the violence and harm any sex, age or person of any condition.
Because for real purposes, and as indicated by the provincial deputy Carlos Rodrigo, "we do not believe in groped and compartmentalized gender violence where only women are given reason."
All kinds of violence is that, violence in equal parts, whether carried out by men or women. VOX is, has been and will be against whoever fosters it and in favor of the underprivileged, regardless of sexual condition, religion or nationality.
For VOX the fact that it is, supposedly in the case of La Muela, a woman who carries out – in this case orders – the act of violence, is the same as if it were carried out by a man. And therefore, and according to the law, it must be treated in the same way, "against what the Law on Gender Violence in Spain defends."