The Spain Journal

VOX Melilla, satisfied that the Andalusian budget includes the commitment to cooperate with the city

VOX has achieved that Melilla and Ceuta have their own space in the budgets of the Junta de Andalucía. As agreed at the I Inter-Parliamentary VOX Andalucía-Ceuta-Melilla, held last October, the training has managed, after intense negotiations, to include the commitment reached with the autonomous cities to promote collaboration and cooperation between the three territories.

One of the 32 points of the VOX agreement with the Andalusian Government to approve the 2021 accounts is entitled "Ceuta and Melilla, sister cities." It specifies the commitment to promote "actions for collaboration and cooperation" with the governments of the autonomous cities in the areas of Institutional Relations, Environment and Sustainability, Communication, Culture, Education, Interior and Civil Protection, Health, Services Social, Development, Economy, Employment, Sports, Tourism, Finance and Financing.

The agreement, which has been one of VOX's requirements for Andalusia to have budgets this next year, includes "studying mechanisms that allow the reduction of the cost of the ticket per maritime vessel, attending to criteria of shared advantages in terms of tourism". A historical claim of Melilla that Andalusia now endorses through VOX. In addition, the text includes that the collaboration of the International University of Andalusia with local universities, the collaboration of promotion of the autonomous cities in the Andalusian radio television, the exchange of students, practices of local Andalusian police in the cities will be analyzed. autonomous, training in civil protection and firefighters, etc.

The spokesman for the VOX Parliamentary Group in Andalusia, Alejandro Hernández, already announced in October that, within the framework of the negotiation of the Andalusian budgets for 2021, they were going to work so that “some of the demands of Ceuta can be accepted by Andalusia by a question of justice ”. "From the perspective of VOX, it is a priority to guarantee the permanence of a hallmark such as Ceuta and Melilla," he stated at the time.

José Miguel Tasende, president of VOX Melilla, highlights how, “for the first time”, Andalusian budgets, with the support of VOX, “will provide financially what for many years were only mere declarations of intent”. For this reason, the training values ​​this advance which, they trust, will soon translate into improvements in the daily life of Melilla residents. But this is only the first step and Tasende warns this to add: "We are going to continue working so that the city is more connected with the peninsula and with the rest of Europe."

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