VOX Melilla warns that talking about the Melilla University Hospital “is talking about ineptitude and inefficiency; of waste and waste of money; mismanagement and political ineffectiveness ”. The vocal of the manager of VOX Melilla, Magdalena Muñoz, regrets that the TRAGSA company has commented on the need to undertake works in the hospital “such as reinforcing the foundation structure, waterproofing the concrete roof, demolition of the facade panels , demolition of the flooring, with a cost of 3 million euros ”.

Muñoz states that this building began in 2009 with an initial planned investment of 70 million euros, and a completion period of 39 months. In 2012 the works were paralyzed for six years due to non-payment of certifications, "where it is resumed with a completion period in 2021," he says. “The hospital has aged from sheer neglect, and has deteriorated. The pandemic has caught us in this way, ”says Muñoz.

VOX Melilla denounces that “in the midst of a pandemic, the systemic neglect of the Central Government for the City of Melilla takes effect, the economic over-cost but above all in human lives, the spiritual misery of the rulers who are only to collect, appear in the photo and lie". Muñoz says that this is the current reality of Melilla, “equivalent to the reality of today's Spain. We cannot wait until 2022 to extend it another three years with new ones on costs. We want the hospital by 2022, and as such we claim it ”.

Source of the new