The VOX spokesperson in the Motril City Council, Miguel Ángel López Fernández, will raise the departure of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) to the next plenary session of the municipal corporation, considering that it has become “a beach bar at the service of the large parties that widely restricts the constitutional autonomy of local entities, ultimately harming the neighbors and producing a distortion in the democratic regime ”.
Miguel Ángel López has stated that, far from the true purpose of the association, which is none other than to serve as a tool for the defense and promotion of local autonomies and the defense of culture, socioeconomic development and the values of each municipality or autonomy, the FEMP "is a chiringuito for the placement of party personnel, generating inefficient and superfluous top-level political spending."
The motion highlights that the FEMP "is an artifact created by the two major parties, which does not make it easier for municipalities to intervene in all matters that directly affect the circle of their interests as established by law, but rather its purpose is to intervene in this autonomy and manage on their behalf ”.
The VOX spokesperson in Motril has denounced that “this association has developed in these three decades an infrastructure that puts pressure on local entities to adhere to its resolutions and, once adhered to, forces them to transfer a succulent part of the contract through your Hiring Center. Although this ruse fits legally, it is politically, socially and morally reprehensible ”.
Likewise, from VOX they affirm that "we reject any association or entity that uses the excuse of" benefiting citizens to set up unnecessary networks, which duplicate functions, place friends and flout the mandatory nature of the administration's financial control procedures public, disguising itself with simple annual external audits mandatory for associationism ”.
For this reason, from the Municipal Group of VOX in Motril they ask "to revoke the adhesion to the FEMP and exit from the association by agreement of this Corporation, and we urge the Government of the Nation to regulate the bases of Local Regime to limit the possibility to create new entities that restrict municipal autonomy. At the same time, we request that the provincial councils be endowed with attributions for the complete assistance to the municipalities that need it, including the financial endowment and avoiding duplications, gaps or competence confusion with the autonomies and, ultimately, prioritize public service and the general interest, as well as to use, if financial capacity allows, that money to alleviate the negative effects generated by Covid-19 ”.