VOX municipal spokesperson, Cristina Peláez, recalls "the forced nature of the transfer of urban assets because death is not a voluntary process"
Seville, May 4, 2020. The Municipal Group VOX in the Seville City Council has registered this Monday a motion in which it proposes that a Municipal Ordinance be included in a 95% discount on municipal capital gains tax with effect from January 1, 2020.
The Tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Lands is one of the many taxes and fees that the Sevillians must bear in a process in which transmission is forced, because death is not a voluntary process.
In this regard, the municipal spokesperson for VOX at the Seville City Council, Cristina Peláez, has stated that "we are in a very serious economic emergency, in which there are very high mortality rates, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic ”.
"We consider that we are in a right moment to establish a bonus of 95% of the Capital Gains Tax, an obligation that, after the execution of an inheritance, is added to others such as that of Donation Successions, Real Estate or the incidence in the Personal Income Tax Physics ”.
Cristina Peláez has recalled that, “in most cases it is a tax burden that the deceased already paid before his death, implying an abusive duplication of taxes"
"This is not the time to tax Sevillians, who are already suffering from the voracity of the Public Administration, which at the moment is seen more harshly during the exponential increase in deaths as a result of the coronavirus."
Cristina Peláez has pointed to “the necessary lowering of taxes for the people of Seville, as one of the basic measures to improve the lives of citizens to which we have to provide from the Seville City Council the increase in consumption capacity and, if possible, savings, hence the need to subsidize the capital gain of 95% in the quota to be settled for the transfers of properties of an urban nature, made for profit by reason of death in favor of descendants and adoptees, spouses and ascendants and adopters of the deceased ", it is finished.