The VOX Parliamentary Group at the Madrid Assembly presented on Thursday an alternative text to the institutional declaration of the International Day of Women and Science because it considered hypocritical the initial proposal agreed by the other formations and that only responds to a new attempt to indoctrinate the entire population with the gender ideology of the progressive consensus.
In VOX -where both the spokeswoman, Rocío Monasterio, and other deputies are professionals of the sector in question- we show that in Spain the past imbalance between men and women has already been overcome, which occurred in a generalized manner throughout the labor market and that has been corrected with the new generations.
We denounce other cultures where women are denigrated and they are not given equal opportunities and we will promote women's access to Science in those places where our same conditions of access to education and training in equality are not respected.
But today in Spain women no longer face any barrier to participate, research and work in the scientific field and have no starting point other than men who hinder their access to these careers. Therefore, they do not need any special protection from public administrations.
In VOX we do not submit to the dictates of organizations such as the UN, which intends to impose an ideology. We believe in real equality between men and women and therefore we reject any quota policy that, far from favoring women, harms those who have achieved their achievements on their own merits.
Maternity support policies
The VOX Parliamentary Group in the Madrid Assembly does bet on combating the maternal gap present in all types of positions and will fight to implement maternity support policies that allow women to reconcile, in a real and effective way, their work career and their family project
We also denounce that our politicians speak of conciliation in each electoral campaign when they are not able or to set an example from the institutions: there is nothing more to see than the 14 hours that will last the plenary session of this Thursday in the Assembly of Madrid.