VOX proposes the creation of a Free Zone on municipal land. The proposal seeks to enlist the collaboration of the Government of Aragon and business entities for its proposal to the Central Government.

The City of Zaragoza has solid foundations that justify launching this initiative:

  • The privileged geographical situation, being the epicenter of an area where 30 million people live.
  • A solidly implanted productive structure with great weight in the logistics and export sector.
  • Exceptional communication routes: cargo airport, dry port, train and highways.

The objectives of the creation of a Free Zone are aimed at promoting trade, attracting new investment, regional convergence and industrial development. It would be about creating a special economic area, with a territorial perimeter of exemptions for goods in transit, in storage or in transformation.

Also create a new economic center with the ability to feed back, with an evident energizing effect and assuming, de facto, the creation of a new economic cluster. A new cluster combining the potential synergies of the new Free Zone plus the Logistics Platform, plus the Dry Port, plus the Cargo Airport.

The European Union is going to give priority to economic sectors to promote higher levels of competitiveness in the industrial and export sectors. This is the new era.

More advantages

The initiative can value other advantages such as the pole of attraction of capital and investments, the structuring of the territory fighting against depopulation and aging, and the recruitment of a new project for our municipality.

The City of Zaragoza would thus close the circle to complement the logistics sector, both for its companies and for its platforms. We would be laying the foundations to be a necessary logistical node for the Future Central Crossing. In addition to being it with respect to the rest of cities in the North of Spain and exits to Europe (Cantabrian-Mediterranean axis and Atlantic and Mediterranean corridors).

Foreign trade would be strengthened taking into account that in the export field we are a nationwide power. And, finally, the policies to simplify the regulatory, fiscal and customs framework would be implemented. That cause a multiplier effect on economic growth while avoiding market fragmentation.

The health crisis caused by Covid-19 has resulted in an extremely serious economic and social crisis. This crisis has shown the fragility of our economy. And that is why we need innovative projects, renovation projects and projects that promote economic activity that generate employment, quality employment. Indeed, if generating employment has always been an important objective, it is now a priority objective.

In the Commission for the Future of Zaragoza, the need to support, from the local administration, the creation of a free zone was highlighted. And that, even though it is the competence of the State, it should work together with the Government of Aragon. It would be a stimulus for trade, investment, industrial development and therefore, it would provide resources for the public coffers.

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