The Municipal VOX Group in the Guadalajara City Council will request in the plenary session that will be held this Friday the development of a tree management plan "That marks the criteria and appropriate and necessary actions to achieve healthy and suitable trees in the city." It will do so through a motion announced this Wednesday by the spokesperson for the training in the capital city council, Antonio de Miguel, who has also advanced that the VOX Group will ask the Government team about "The collapse in the primary care centers of the city and the authenticity of the fords in some properties of Guadalajara", among other issues.

As De Miguel explains "The wealth of our beloved Guadalajara depends to a large extent on our trees and on that of the collective spaces and parks where they are developed, but proper management of this wooded area of ​​the city is urgently needed."

For this reason, and through a motion, the VOX Group requests the preparation of a management plan for the trees in Guadalajara for, among other aspects, "Analyze the current state of the trees, so that correct management and calendars of continued pruning and phytosanitary treatments are detailed and described or the work plans to be carried out are defined in order to obtain quality trees and improve their safety", as detailed by Antonio de Miguel.

"Design an educational program on the different species of the city"

The VOX spokesperson further explains that this woodland plan "It must also propose the ideal species for the city and its management over time, as well as the creation of a catalog, a guide and a location and distribution plan of protected and unique trees in our city."

In its proposal, the VOX Group also asks “Incorporate signage and identification elements that allow us to know the trees in our parks, promote educational actions in Guadalajara's schools so that this awareness is extended to the rest of future generations, design an educational program that involves the different areas of this City Council and Administrations such as Environment, Culture, Urbanism, Education, Health or Social Services, and facilitate and help neighbors who want to transplant or remove a tree instead of cutting it down ”, as detailed in the press conference by the spokesperson of the VOX Group, Antonio de Miguel.

"Collapse in primary care and irregular fords"

In addition, the Municipal VOX Group will formulate several questions addressed to the Government team formed by PSOE and Citizens. On the one hand, VOX has once again shown its concern for the “Collapse in the primary care of our health centers in Guadalajara. It is very worrisome as well as risky and unsafe. There are many people from Guatemala who, every day, when they try to contact their health center, find saturated lines and overflowing agendas. From our municipal group we think that our City Council has health powers over the people of Guatemala. And that it must propose, demand, coordinate, inspect and seek a solution with the rest of the public administrations. That is why we will ask the mayor to go beyond the interventions he has had in this regard and propose a solution to this health problem in our city that we warned about a few months ago ", has emphasized the spokesperson of the VOX Group, Antonio de Miguel.

On the other hand, the VOX Group will ask about “The authenticity of the ford in some buildings in the city”. Antonio de Miguel details that “complaints have come to our Municipal Group that come to question and suspect this fact. This picaresque, they tell us, not only affects old buildings but also those of new construction ”, aim.

For this reason, the VOX spokesperson emphasizes that “in the face of such events we are going to ask the Government team for the characteristics and protocol model that this City Council has to inspect the authenticity of the fords of the city with their identifier and approval number. This falsification constitutes a reason for sanction and is a more frequent practice than we imagine. In addition, this fraud is costing substantial income to the municipal coffers now that we have so much imbalance in the face of the crisis unleashed by the pandemic ", concludes De Miguel.

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