On April 22, the Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 on complementary urgent measures to support the economy and employment was published in the Official State Gazette. A text that includes, in the second transitory provision, that "immediately" the procedures for the adaptation of the administrative, accounting, budgetary and financial management are initiated that "allow the assumption of the management of the benefits of the Passive Class Regime by the National Institute of Social Security ”. A change, without prior parliamentary debate, of which Vox has already called the Pedro Sánchez Executive to account.

The national representative of Vox for Ceuta, Teresa López, is one of those who signs this interpellation registered before the "great commotion" that has caused the Government's decision to transfer the management of pensions of officials of the Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations. And is that, Vox affects, the transfer has been approved "without prior parliamentary debate and without having consulted the majority union organizations of this group."

"What is the scope of the transfer of the pension management of officials from the Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration?" Asks Vox, who also asks about the extent to which this change will affect pensions. of the officials of the Civil Administration of the State. Finally, the party asks the Executive to clarify whether the transfer will affect the amounts that must be received by officials of the State Civil Administration.

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