• It regrets "the loss of the EDUSI funds that, well invested, could have helped to generate favorable conditions to create jobs and face the terrible outlook looming for the final stretch of this year and early 2021 with a better situation"

  • He asserts that “Seville is losing opportunities due to the mayor's inability to manage the budget and because of the insulting ideological spending, such as the two million to promote gender equality, the half million in Historical Memory or the million seven hundred thousand euros in international cooperation to the developing"

Seville, August 20, 2020. The spokesperson of the Municipal VOX Group in the Seville City Council, Cristina Peláez, has lamented this Thursday "the lack of ideas and projects of the socialist Municipal Government to face the worst of the health and economic crisis of Covid-19 that is to come.

After regretting that “Seville continues to be, among the large cities of Spain, the one with the highest unemployment rate, each year that passes we are getting worse and There are no signs of any kind from the Government of Juan Espadas that allows us to know that we are prepared for the consequences of a second wave of infections and its inevitable repercussions on the city's economy. I don't want to think about how the coming crisis is going to affect us in this situation. with this government that only knows how to manage marketing and propaganda ”.

The municipal spokesperson for VOX has recognized that “a city council does not have many competences in terms of employment, but the truth is that in our municipal area we can contribute our bit to improve these figures and so far it is not known what Juan Espadas has contributed to stop the drain on jobs in the city ”.

“The disastrous management of the socialist Municipal Government, supported by Podemos and increasingly by Ciudadanos, is going to make Much of the aid that came from Europe from EDUSI funds, we have to return. Well invested, it could have helped to generate favorable conditions to create jobs and face the terrible situation that is looming for the final stretch of this year and early 2021 with a better situation "

Cristina Peláez has reproached the mayor of Seville that “bet the present and future interests of the Sevillians on an incompetent president to whom the mayor will hand over the savings of the Sevillians in exchange for nothing. Pedro Sánchez is a trilero who will swindle the Sevillians with Juan Espadas serving as a hook ”.

"The diligence they lack to promote job creation, they have plenty, yes, to squander millions of euros in ideological and superfluous spending. In this, the Socialists do not skimp, because they also know each other with the support of the rest of the parties, with the exception of VOX ”.

Cristina Peláez recalled “the budget overruns in which this government team constantly incurs, as the most of half a million euros in budgeted historical memory or one million seven hundred thousand euros in development cooperation. It seems that for this they do not hide behind the powers of the local administration ”.

“With the present and future needs of the Sevillians, It is an insult that this City Council is going to spend more than two million two hundred thousand euros to promote gender equality, This is an issue that for the majority of Spaniards has already been overcome, but as the Spanish left remains anchored in the middle of the 20th century, they have not found out that today women and men have the same opportunities and the law protects us both for same".

“Everything would be fine if we had money to spare and we didn't have six of the poorest neighborhoods in Spain, that like other countries and cultures with which this City Council is very generous, they also need development cooperation, with the only difference being that you can go on foot without having to travel thousands of kilometers. Espadas forgets that its obligation is to look after the interests of the Sevillians and not the citizens of other countries, for which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is already there ”.

The spokesperson for the Municipal VOX Group in the Seville City Council has cried out “for the amount opportunities that we lose due to the inability of this mayor and his Government to manage budgets, leaving millions of euros without executing, which, well managed and with a clear city project, would revert to improving our neighborhoods, improving employment and putting Seville in the place it deserves ”, he concluded.

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