Seville, June 1, 2020 – Manuel Gavira, VOX deputy and president of the commission for the economic and social recovery of Andalusia, has appeared at a press conference to assess the first session of the aforementioned commission.
Manuel Gavira has regretted the absence of PSOE and Adelante Andalucía in a commission whose main objective is to find the right path for Andalusia to recover as soon as possible from this serious crisis: "Unfortunately they have not appeared. It is very serious, since they are two groups that represent many Andalusians. They are putting partisan interests ahead of the interests of the Andalusians ”.
Likewise, the VOX deputy for Cádiz recalled that "the exercise of responsibility must be done by them." “They are more interested in directing the commission than its objective. They intended to head the commission in Andalusia and seeing that the strategies have not paid off, now they have the media strategy of not appearing. It is something that they will have to explain to the Andalusians ”.
Manuel Gavira has insisted that VOX "already chairs committees in the Andalusian Parliament in which both PSOE and Adelante Andalucía participate".
Manuel Gavira, president of the recovery commission, reaches out to all parties
🤝 The president of the Andalusian recovery commission, Manuel Gavira, reaches out to PSOE to reconsider and participate in the commission in which VOX will seek to approve measures that benefit the Andalusians. It is time for them to exceed the electoral result.
Publish for VOX Andalusian Parliament South Vendredi 29 May 2020
Despite the attitude of PSOE and Adelante Andalucía, Manuel Gavira has once again reached out to both formations to participate in the commission: "We continue to invite and reach out to PSOE and Adelante Andalucía to participate." "If they reconsider and decide to participate, they will obviously be able to agree to head the corresponding subcommittee."
On the other hand, the president of the commission explained that in today's Monday session, agreements were easily reached: "The atmosphere has been positive, we have reached agreements in an easy way in order for the commission to function and achieve the fundamental objective: the economic and social recovery of Andalusia ”.
The Cádiz parliamentarian has detailed that so far, the commission has not received formal requests from external agents to participate in it, but rather "invitation requests to be informed by advisers, business bodies, unions …". "We will listen to experts in economics, social policy, health… We will have to nurture ourselves with the knowledge that these people have to achieve the recovery of Andalusia ”.
In the same line, Manuel Gavira has underlined that "the important thing is the lives, the workers, the self-employed who do not have to pay the fees, the companies …".