• The councilor of VOX David Moreno, attributes the serious situation “to the lack of prevention and of measures that the Government Team could have taken

Talavera de la Reina, September 30, 2020.- The Municipal VOX Group in Talavera de la Reina regrets the situation and the numbers of infections that continue to add up in the municipality. In an impromptu meeting of the Board of Spokespersons on Wednesday morning, the VOX spokesperson insisted that Bellón reconsider their positions, that they put into motion several of the proposals that we have put to them in the plenary sessions of recent months such as a disinfection plan, the control of agglomerations and the assignment of authorities at the entrances and exits of schools.

VOX has conveyed its willingness to collaborate as much as possible, as was done during the first wave. On August 21, this formation sent a letter, where three councilors offered to participate actively in everything possible and to remove the tractors with the fumigation tanks, to which this Municipal Group has not yet received any reply.

We consider that the use of the facilities of the Talavera Fair for the realization of the PCR is the ideal place. For this reason, from VOX we have insisted on the need to organize it properly, in orderly rows and without leaving the vehicles, similar to ITVs.

Since VOX Talavera We believe that citizens cannot be blamed, or make statements such as that "the road to Madrid is full", as the mayor herself and her spokesperson are doing, instead of having taken effective measures to preserve the health security of Talavera residents.

According to Moreno “If you talk about responsibilities, you have to give explanations about the steps taken, such as:

.- Why were the schedules of the bus lines with Madrid and the towns of the region reduced to less than 50%? Circumstance that has been denounced throughout the summer as a serious risk of contagion when the buses are full, without any safety distance.

.- Why have crowds in squares and parks been allowed throughout the summer?

.- Why have disinfections not been maintained in all neighborhoods of the city? And why so many inconsistencies that have been arranged?

The VOX spokesperson recalled some of the motions and proposals that have been raised with the mayor:

1.- Conciliation measures and social coexistence, to avoid crowds in public spaces, presented on July 14, 2020.

2.- The recovery of bus schedules to avoid their crowds, required on several occasions and presented on July 14, 2020.

3.- A disinfection plan, presented on August 21, 2020.

4.- Undertake cleaning, clearing and deratization, presented on August 25, 2020.

5.- The Extension of the telephone service templates, dated September 14, 2020.

6.- The assignment of authority agents at the entrances and exits of the schools, presented on September 24, 2020.

Moreno criticizes that the «municipal management during the summer months has been as if nothing happened, they have dedicated themselves to other tasks, forgetting the risk of the virus, without giving importance to the crowds in the squares until the wee hours of the morning and without remedying to a bus transport saturated by the cut of schedules ”.

He also adds that "the numbers of contagions in Talavera are so high because we suffer triple the disastrous management of the pandemic, by the central, regional and local governments, with the Mayor at the helm without claiming the needs of the city such as the second mobile ICU and the opening of the second point of Continuous Care "

On October 31, 2019, VOX Talavera got a series of demands for the health area of ​​Talavera to be approved in plenary session, among them, now it is even more necessary to put into operation the second Continuous Care Point of the River Health Center Tajo-La Solana and the provision of a second mobile ICU for the entire region. VOX claimed it in January, and last week again in Toledo through a letter presented to the Ministry of Health.

"The virus is not defeated only by prohibiting but by improving the means of health care, which are now preferred, from here we again urge the Mayor to claim mobile ICU and the opening of the second point of continuous care."

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