Isabel Lázaro, President of VOX Tarragona, sees Ricomà's measures to suspend municipal bus service in Tarragona are unacceptable.

The Municipal Transport Company (EMT) will suspend the service of all its lines starting at midnight. Isabel criticizes this measure adopted by Ricomà, which “leaves without transport all those who have to continue complying at work, including the health personnel, who from this night on without transportation to go to the hospital"

There is many people who keep working so that we can stay home

On the other hand, the president of VOX Tarragona recalled that "citizens must be confined but there are also many people who keep working so that we can stay home"-And added-" the mayor must know that pharmacists, health and safety personnel, essential service workers, volunteers and others, are still at the foot of the canyon and thanks to this drastic measure, they are going to run out of public transport"

Lázaro stressed that "transport services, following the regulations, are essential for Tarragona" and asks Ricomà to “Rectify this suspension of bus service and do not leave without assistance those workers who are fighting for us against the coronavirus pandemic. ”

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