The Port of Santa María May 13. The Municipal Group VOX El Puerto de Santa María has registered a motion requesting that the money from the subsidies of the municipal groups be destined to Cáritas Parroquial and the Commander Sisters of the Holy Spirit.
Article 73.3 of Law 7/1985, of April 2, regulating the Bases of the Local Regime, establishes in its second paragraph the following: “The Plenum of the corporation, charged to its annual Budgets, may assign political groups an economic endowment that must have a fixed component, identical for all groups and another variable, depending on the number of members of each one, within the limits that, where appropriate, are established with character general in the General State Budget Laws and without being used to pay staff remuneration of any kind at the service of the corporation or the acquisition of goods that may constitute fixed assets of a patrimonial nature. ”
In the case of our city, this financial endowment amounts to an approximate amount of € 11,000 per month among the different municipal groups.
At Vox El Puerto we believe that all the resources of the city should be put at the service of the Portuenses; which means that not a single euro of public money can be used for anything other than helping our citizens to get out of the health and economic emergency.
For this, VOX El Puerto has registered a motion requesting the other municipal groups to be approved in the next Ordinary Plenary, so that the City Council of El Puerto de Santa María authorizes, exceptionally and during the remainder of 2020, the Groups politicians can allocate the legally established financial endowment in their favor, through a budget modification, to Caritas Parroquial and the Commander Sisters of the Holy Spirit, so that they can continue their commendable work in terms of supplying food to families neediest in our city.