The VOX senator from Murcia, José Manuel Marín, has been very critical today of the Catalan separatists and the political heirs of ETA, whom he has reproached for “not getting tired of saying that they do not feel Spanish, but do not stop asking the Government of Spain ». "They do not stop asking the rest of the Spanish, whom you despise, to help them financially," he denounced.
During the debate of the Motion of the ERC-Bildu Group on the actions and status of the rail and road network in the province of Lleida, the senator has referred to "the driving force" that transport represents for economic and social development. "It creates opportunities for people and enables economies to be more competitive," he assured.
However, Marín has compared the railway deficit in Catalonia with the railway structures of Extremadura and Murcia. "Both regions currently lack AVE lines, while Catalonia has its four capitals communicated," he recalled. On the other hand, he has referred to the age of the Extremadura and Murcia commuter trains, which exceed 20 years of life and in some cases reach 40 years in Extremadura.
"The Extremadura railway network accumulates an investment deficit of 665 million euros from 2012 to 2018", Marín recalled.
On the other hand, regarding the railway situation in Murcia, he has denounced that “it has been cut off from Andalusia since in 1985, the PSOE Government with Felipe González closed the Lorca-Guadix line, which caused a loss of industry and population , and a black hole of railway infrastructures in the southeast of the peninsula ”.
Irrigation of millions
He has also reproached the management of the PP and PSOE governments, which "have showered Catalonia with billions of euros as payment for their votes to stay in power, to the detriment of other Communities."
Marín also explained that the financing handled by the Government, to distribute this 2020, among the Autonomous Communities is 103,000 million euros, between installments on account and other fiscal instruments, although the final figure will vary when the State budgets are presented, which represents an increase in these funds of 4.46% over the same forecasts that the Executive managed last year. And he has denounced that “the rise is very asymmetric between territories: the most benefited will be Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands.
In summary, this year Catalonia will receive 21,715 million; Murcia 3,517; and Extremadura 3,194'12, these two regions having a serious deficit in infrastructures, especially railways, as I have indicated previously.