The President and Deputy Speaker of the VOX Valencian Community Parliamentary Group, José María Llanos, has defended during the plenary session, an initiative in defense of the independence of the judiciary and to protect the Spanish Crown. A Non-Law Proposition (NLP) that has been rejected, in principle, by the left.
José María Llanos has asked the Valencian Courts to urge the Consell, and this, in turn, the Government of Spain, to guarantee the independence of the Judiciary to avoid any type of political interference and thus prevent budget negotiations from affecting the normal functioning of the institutions and basic powers of the State, the same ones that guarantee the indissoluble unity of the Spanish Nation, its democratic structure and its freedoms.
Likewise, it also asks to protect the institution of the Crown, the highest representative of our form of government, the Parliamentary Monarchy, as well as the dignity and figure of His Majesty King Felipe VI, who embodies the indissoluble unity and historical continuity of the Spanish Nation. .
“The government coalition of Sánchez and Iglesias, with the support of separatists, communists and filoetarras, has provoked measures that we understand to threaten security and national unity, such as the unjustified approach of ETA prisoners; prison privileges and concessions to those convicted of sedition; the appointment of the State Attorney General, moving seamlessly from being Minister of Justice to Attorney General, even recognizing Sánchez that the Attorney General is at the service of the Government; as well as the attempt to modify the form of election of the General Council of the Judiciary, so that it is subject to the interests of the Government with the distribution of judges between PP and PSOE … "
José María Llanos has stated that, faced with this scenario, there are two options: Allow it or defend the rights and freedoms of all Spaniards, which is what VOX is doing. "Against the attacks on Spain and the Crown, VOX will always be their defense."
The President and Deputy Spokesperson of the VOX Parliamentary Group has protested after the accusations of the Podemos deputy, Estefanía Blanes, who has affirmed in parliament that "VOX wants to impose its ideas by force" and that it should be "out of this parliament" . Given this, the vice president of the Table, María José Salvador, has ignored the protest and the request of José María Llanos that Blanes withdraw these accusations.

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