Luciano Ferrer has met with some of the representatives of the AAVV of the South Zone of Castellón as Vicente Campos (Perpetual Help), Constantino Muñoz (Santa Teresa), Alberto Ramos (Roquetas) or Rafael Serrano (Lourdes Group).

Luciano Ferrer: "I cannot tell everything I have seen in a single statement to the press, it would take days to explain the abandonment that I have encountered and the impotence that I have detected in the neighbors"

A tour of the neighborhoods, starting with Perpetuo Socorro, plunges the visitor into, at first glance, the typical marginal neighborhood, something that the neighbors deny since they defend that the vast majority of the neighborhood are working people and that they make important economic efforts to maintain their homes in good condition, apart from the many new and quality that have been built.

Ravines that have not been cleaned in life, uncontrolled vegetation, ditches that are authentic jungles, dirt everywhere, illegal dumps … fill the landscape.

It is curious that by standing on the edge of the neighborhood with Almazora, you can see, with the naked eye, where one municipal term ends and another begins, you just have to observe the neglected vegetation of Castellón and the clean and tidy gardens of the “neighbor”.

That the water circulates through the ravine when it rains is a true miracle, it has not happened there, nor is it expected, neither the City Council nor the CHJ. The photographs show what has been commented since in many places you must assume that under the vegetation is the hut. We have even seen drainage pipes of doubtful legality that go directly to the bed of the ravine, denounced in their day by neighbors without nothing being done for decades.

To be continue…

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