The Municipal Group of VOX will overturn the proposal of the government team of the Granada City Council for the linear distribution of a productivity of 200,000 euros among officials and has announced allegations on December 29, which will make it impossible to legally process this file, except that the distribution between essential municipal workers and those included in the decree of minimum state of alarm be negotiated with the unions.

"We have reached out to the municipal government to leave behind the budgets of 'Pepe Gotera Salvador and Otilio Cuenca', since the botched accounts of the economic pact with the PSOE have caused the processing of this extraordinary credit file by not forecasting productivity in the 2020 budget ”, explained Onofre Miralles, spokesman for the Municipal Group of VOX.

After hearing today the government's rejection of the VOX proposals, Onofre Miralles has criticized "the lack of sensitivity and the enormous ego of the government staff councilor for not having allocated aid to sectors affected by the COVID19 or Granada families with more needs, and we question the 175,000 euros that the salaries of the Personnel Councilor, the coordinator and the general director of the area cost the municipal coffers, because they have processed the productivity file in a way absolutely dire. '

Despite the gaps in the file, Miralles affirms that "the ego is Francisco Fuentes's greatest enemy."

"I will request the withdrawal of the item on the agenda of the next plenary session, since prior to the start of the debate it will ask the legal services of the City Council if this file can be processed without having resolved the dozens of allegations that, it assures, will be presented" , has revealed the municipal spokesman for VOX.

Onofre Miralles, to conclude, has ironized that “even the mayor himself, in his eagerness to appear in all the photos, could present allegations himself on December 29 at 11:59 p.m., to shoot the penalty and score own goal, which is his main hobby ».

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